The Health Druid


Why the name “The Health Druid”?

One of the main focuses here at The Health Druid is that we approach health holistically, and we do not discriminant any health theories, knowing that there is no one-fits-all diet for everyone. Similarly to Druids beliefs that there is no universally agreed set of beliefs amongst Druids, therefore there is no sacred text or the equivalent of a bible in Druidism. (More about Druids Beliefs:


How did the Single Spiral become the logo of The Health Druid?

cropped-cropped-13514416_10154306383302220_2050300438_n.jpgGiven the fact the Druids and Celtics are near the related topic here, the Logo of The Health Druid is based off of a Celtic Symbol – The Single Spiral, which represents ethereal energy radiating out (or inward depending on your perspective) It also symbolizes growth, birth and expansion of consciousness. (Source Link: